If you purchased your Car Insurance policy after 21st November 2023, or it renewed after 21st December 2023, you can now manage your policy online.



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Sunday: Closed


Broken down? The first thing to do is check that you have breakdown cover and find out who your provider is, AXA or the RAC.

Checking your policy documents is the easiest way to make sure you’re contacting the right provider.

For RAC Breakdown Cover customers:

Cars broken down in the UK: call 0330 013 2064

If you are in the EU and have opted for EU cover:

Calling from Europe +33 472 43 52 55

Calling from a French landline (freephone) 0800 290 112

Calling from the Republic of Ireland (freephone) 1 800 535 005

Or, register your claim digitally with the myRAC app

Please bear in mind, your cover is limited to Roadside Assistance only for the first 24 hours of the policy.

For AXA Breakdown Cover customers:

If you've got a black box, or your policy started before 21st November 2023 or renewed before 21st December 2023:

In the UK, call: 0330 159 8723

In Europe and have opted for EU cover, call +33 472 43 52 55

No black box? If your policy started after 21st November 2023 or renewed after 21st December 2023:

In the UK, call: 0330 343 8791

In the EU and have opted for EU cover, call: +44 1737 334 354

Or, register your breakdown using our 24/7 online emergency breakdown tool - simply visit eRescue and enter your details in just five easy steps.

Please bear in mind, only the UK Roadside Breakdown element of cover is available for the first 24 hours of your policy. If you add EU breakdown cover, any claims made within the first 10 days will not be covered.


Chat to us

If you need to discuss your quote or policy, or just want to ask us a question, our friendly Live Chat team is here to help - it’s the quickest and easiest way to contact us. Alternatively, you can call our customer service team for support.


Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm

Saturday: 9am to 5pm

Sunday: Closed

Call us

Monday to Friday (including Bank Holidays): 9am to 6pm

Saturday: 9am to 5pm

Sunday: Closed

0333 003 8450


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